Driving 100x Revenue Growth via Brand Differentiation with ClickUp CCO Melissa Rosenthal

Say it with me friends: PRODUCT alone doesn't win!

Especially when there's competition, your brand is what will convert prospects into customers into champions, and advocates.

There is perhaps no better example of this than the meteoric rise of ClickUp.

At its core, ClickUp is a project management software.

But their BRAND is someone you'd want to be best friends with.

They've become famous for things like music videos and parody commercials to announce feature releases.

This type of brand building has vaulted them to, most recently, a $400 million Series C at a $4 BILLION valuation, generating hundreds of thousands of customers.

Yes, hundreds of thousands.

Spearheading the brand is their Chief Creative Officer Melissa Rosenthal.

She steps to the mic to share how a strong brand led to 100x revenue growth (and counting!).

Find Melissa online:


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Melissa's also hopping into our member community, GOAT to Market Club, for an Ask me Anything the entire week of this episode's launch date. Got Q's you want to ask Melissa personally? Join for free today!

This episode was brought to you by our friends at Akava. Akava is THE software development partner to help you go from zero to 1. Startups like Stride Health, Haveno, Olive, Side, and more trust Akava from their first dollar all the way to their billion-dollar valuation, and they're ready to help YOU become the GOAT to Market. Learn more at akava.io.

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